Start Flying Today is an informational blog to guide those who do not know where to get started in aviation. The focus of this blog is to steer new aviation driven in the right direction on where to find new information towards flying for a career or just for fun.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Getting Started: Books

So, you are interested in flying. You visited your local flying club and watched all sorts of planes take off. You day dream thinking that you would like to do that someday. Well you can! If anything that I can tell you is that flying is a piece of cake. Its the dedication and the hard work that you have to put into it is the hard part.

Some good places to start for learning from books is the "FTGU". From the Ground Up (ASA Training Manuals) is a book that basically has everything in it you need to know! The image you see on the left here is the ASA version( American ). This book contains everything you need to know about planes, avation, CARS (Canadian Aviation Regulations) and much more. Reading this you will learn about Aircraft Engines and how they work, the principles of flight and even meteorology! So if you want to learn more I suggest picking this book up!

Although, every country has its own rules and books, so once you have some knowledge to fall back on, you will have to look into those as well.

Another book that is really interesting and where Transport Canada takes a lot of questions for their exams is the Air Command Weather Manual. This book has many graphics and illustrations to explain all sorts of things. Its full of knowledge, and has stuff that even if you are an experienced meteorologist, you will have something to learn.

One last book I would like for you to be aware about. Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics by HC 'Skip' Smith goes into great detail about the principles of flight. So if you always asked your self the question, how do airplanes fly? Well this book well tell you everything you need to know and then some!

With all that said, take your time and take a look at these books. The FTGU is great for first timers to get introduced into flying. The other two are more advanced and will prove some used down the road to improve your knowledge about flying, the principles of flight and meteorology!

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